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You Feed Your Body Food AND Messages

  • Really Flourish Online (map)

Do you ever feel that you have changed what you feed your body, maybe how you exercise your body, and, well, nothing happens?? Maybe you’ve even reduced the food, or increased the exercise, and, still, nothing happens? It's a frustrating cycle, isn't it? But what if I told you there's more to the equation than just what you eat and how you move?

Consider this: alongside the physical nourishment you provide your body, there's another form of sustenance it receives — the messages you send it, consciously or unconsciously, and the influence of those around you. These messages, whether positive or negative, play a significant role in shaping your body's response to your efforts.

So, despite your best intentions, if your internal dialogue is filled with doubt, criticism, or self-sabotage, it can hinder the progress you're striving for. Similarly, the influence of peers, family, or society at large can either support or hinder your wellness journey.

But what if we took a holistic approach? What if, in addition to refining your diet and exercise regimen, we also examined and revamped the messages you're feeding your body? Imagine providing yourself with a more comprehensive set of influences that synergistically support your goals, rather than working against them.

Join me for a FREE masterclass on April 25.

Earlier Event: April 19
The Energy Clearing Process Workshop